How did we get started?

inSPIRE Ministries follows in the footsteps of a remarkable prayer, outreach, and discipleship ministry founded by Irish immigrant to America, Helen Duff Baugh, almost a century ago. The Canadian ministry, operating as Stonecroft, was incorporated in 1967, training spiritual leaders, speakers, and volunteers, who guided thousands to faith over the years. 

In 2016, as print and video resources began to be created in Canada, Stonecroft became RSVP Ministries. The global pandemic accelerated changes in the ministry and the decision was made to discontinue traditional models of ministry. We would continue uniquely with the concept of inSPIRE, birthed by Donna Lee Lamothe, as she served the local church and Christian leaders in Canada during the last three decades. We began operating as inSPIRE Ministries in 2024.

inSPIRE Ministries continues to boldly carry out the Great Commission to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), and the Great Commandment to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others (Mark 12:30-31). We teach, disciple, and help you to grow in deep, holistic faith.

You are the heroes in our story, the ones who pursue faith in Jesus, through suffering and celebration, and point the way for others

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