Your donations help cover the cost of providing free video and printable resources. Your giving supports the launch and support of groups who meet to grow in faith and witness in their local neighbourhoods. You make it possible for people to participate in inSPIRE retreats, who would not be able to come without assistance. Your giving helps to support and train faith leaders.
“Late into the wee hours of the morning last night, I tiptoed downstairs and got my inSPIRE binder. I wanted to walk through the steps of forgiveness … In the end, it all seemed so simple, when I boiled it all down, looked at the lies and truth, my part in it, and the lessons that I’ve learned from it and how to deal with it in the future. At the end of the process, I was free!“
“Besides the excellent teaching and new perspectives that were presented concerning the whole spectrum of life, the inSPIRE journey was also a safe place to develop deep peer relationships, addressing the sense of isolation that one can sometimes feel in ministry.“
“After walking with the Lord for over 30 years, my life and walk with Him has completely changed because of my inSPIRE journey!“
“Thank you. I am ready to move on to whatever comes next.“
Join our family of faithful monthly giving Champions, people who invest regularly in our Kingdom work.
inSPIRE Ministries is a registered charity that partners with Canada Helps and Friends of the Great Commission to record donations and issue receipts for income tax purposes. Donations will be receipted after the calendar year end.