We host retreats in the majestic Rocky Mountains and create resources to equip you for an intentional, experiential, practical journey in your local space.
inSPIRE faces the crises of no faith and an all-too-common fragmented faith, where there is distance between God’s goodness and power, and ordinary life with its struggles, anxieties, loneliness, non-stop competing influences, distractions and demands.
Brokenness in one area of the SPIRE weaves its way through others – we guide you to explore every area.
Isolation feeds brokenness – we help create spaces of belonging. We emphasize in-person retreats and local gatherings.
Ultimately, we believe wholeness is found in learning how to live as disciples of Jesus, loving God with heart, mind, soul, and strength, and loving others. All in.
This is a discipleship journey – an intentional journey to lasting wholeness, resilient faith, and authentic witness.