The inSPIRE Journey

faith for a whole life

Join the Journey to Wholeness

“Taking the time to be intentional about examining my spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational & emotional health allowed me to explore God’s truth in each of these areas and to be convicted of changes that were needed to experience his best for my life. I love how personal the journey was and how, even as I participated with others, God met each of us where we were at, and challenged and convicted us in unique ways.”

“You don’t want to miss what God has for you!”

S Spiritual

P Physical

I Intellectual

R Relational

E Emotional


Imagine coming to one of the most iconic places in the world, for a fresh experience with God, in the company of friends, to explore wholeness and grow in faith, then continuing your inSPIRE journey at home, as a community of belonging, purpose, and witness.


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